stefano amen

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From musician, writer of songs, musical compositions, I am in the course of life closer to spirituality strictly included in my research. The path that leads to magic rhythm of words. At the submission of meaning, and its images, sound and rhythm of the words: poetry course. I then entered last in the guidelines of who tries the case. I have touched upon science. Certainly a type of approach away from me. But I moved into a new world to my eyes devoid of the charm of music and poetry, yet with an unparalleled charm: the neuroscience of music. Science that this presents an approach for nothing emotional. What sees music not only as cultural product but rather as something that has foundations biologically rooted. Where the music is analyzed far from immediacy, from the dream, by surprise. And then more as psychology and anthropology. Finally I tried to follow the hidden lines that include all these variables me. And so:

the one that I don't know to do, and how I don't know to do just me know to do it.

"...quei che va di notte portando il lume retro e a sé non giova ma rischiara la via a quelli che lo seguono...".

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