You're Dead!

Album (GB)
Catalog No.:
Release date:
6th October 2014
Andres Renteria Instrument
Deantoni Parks Instrument
Flying Lotus Instrument
Flying Lotus Instrument
Gene Coye Instrument
Herbie Hancock Instrument
Brandon Coleman Instrument
Flying Lotus Instrument
Flying Lotus Vocal
Andres Renteria Instrument
Brandon Coleman Instrument
Flying Lotus Instrument
Deantoni Parks Instrument
Derek Ali Mix
Flying Lotus Instrument
Captain Murphy Vocal
Flying Lotus Instrument
Snoop Dogg Vocal
Andres Renteria Instrument
Brandon Coleman Instrument
Brendon Small Instrument
Flying Lotus Instrument
Jeff Lynn Instrument
Steven Ellison Producer
Deantoni Parks Instrument
Flying Lotus Instrument
Flying Lotus Vocal
Andres Renteria Instrument
Angel Deradoorian Vocal
Arlene Deradoorian Vocal
Brandon Coleman Instrument
Ennio Morricone Performer
Steven Ellison Producer
Steven Ellison Producer
Thundercat Instrument
Deantoni Parks Instrument
Steven Ellison Producer
Thundercat Instrument
Andres Renteria Instrument
Gene Coye Instrument
Herbie Hancock Instrument
Flying Lotus Instrument
Laura Darlington Instrument
Miguel Atwood-Ferguson Instrument
Captain Murphy Vocal
Flying Lotus Instrument
Steven Ellison Producer
Angel Deradoorian Vocal
Arlene Deradoorian Vocal
Flying Lotus Vocal
Flying Lotus Vocal
Miguel Atwood-Ferguson Instrument
Niki Randa Vocal
Deantoni Parks Instrument
Flying Lotus Instrument
Flying Lotus Vocal

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