max guiguet

Charny Orée de Puisaye, France (FR)

a.k.a. blundetto

Rémi Boolimix
Access level:
Admin, Radio Pro, Mentor, Programmer
Last Login:
Early Bird #49
Workout #25
Cool Session #191
After 8 #77
Sweet Morning #60
Nuit Sauvages #136
Salut #60
After 8 #75
Cool Session #188
Cool Session #187
Nuit Sauvages #133
Nuit Sauvages #130
Nuit Sauvages #129
Cool Session #182
Cool Session #181

Please Note

The open broadcast platform is targeting a professional audience. To unleash it's full potential you will have to login with a 'Radio-PRO' or 'Music-PRO' account.

Read more about access-levels and how to obtain respective permissions.

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