Good Good Things

Album (FR)
Catalog No.:
Release date:
18th June 2020
Clément Petit Instrument
Eva Caron Youssouf Vocal
Fabrice Colombani Instrument
Fabrice Colombani Instrument
Guillaume Christophel Instrument
Guillaume Farley Instrument
Fabrice Colombani Instrument
Guillaume Christophel Instrument
Guillaume Farley Instrument
Anna Magidson Vocal
Clément Petit Vocal
Crime Apple vocal arranger
Clément Janinet Instrument
Clément Petit Instrument
Julien Rousseau Instrument
Clément Janinet Instrument
Clément Petit Instrument
François Faure Instrument
Clément Janinet Instrument
Guillaume Farley Instrument
Julien Rousseau Instrument
François Faure Instrument
Guillaume Christophel Instrument
Guillaume Farley Instrument
Alex Finkin Instrument
Clément Janinet Instrument
Fabrice Colombani Instrument
Alex Finkin Instrument
Chico Mann Instrument
Fabrice Colombani Instrument
Clément Janinet
Clément Petit
Fabrice Colombani
Clément Janinet Instrument
Clément Petit Instrument
François Faure Instrument
Clément Petit Instrument
Fabrice Colombani Instrument
François Faure Instrument

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